miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Civilization Collapse

Mille Petrozza (Kreator) was spotted wearing our cool badge on his vest during this Kreator tour.

                       Pic by www.lamiradanegra.es

Today was released Kreator new video for the song "Civilization Collapse" from the album "Phantom Antichrist", while they're touring Europe with Morbid Angel, Nile and Fueled by Fire.

Check it and bang your head!

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012


These crazy friends from the south of Spain, have just launched their 3rd album through The Fish Factory, called "Neura". I think they definetly have found their style, and can't wait to see them in a live show soon.
Give them a like here!

And listen to their album for free in Spotify!

sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012

Michael Amott & Coffin Shop

Today the amazing guitarist Michael Amott (Arch Enemy, Spiritual Beggars) tweeted about Coffin Shop as he received our cool T-shirts!
First he gave us his wonderful music, and now he tweets about the Coffin, I'll never find a way to thank him enough for all!!! hahaha

Now I can't wait to see him wearing them!

As I'm sure you all know, Arch Enemy starts the day 21 in Chile the Latin America Khaos tour, if you are near, don't miss their killer shows! They were awesome (as always) a few weeks ago here in Madrid!

Thank you Michael!

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012


The doubt about Erik's visit to Madrid was solved, and the result is another hangover and broken neck :-P

I canceled the “horror movies, blanket and sofa” plan I had for the Saturday night and headed to the club Siroco to the exclusive party organized by Sangre Madrid. To start, the people from Century Media and from Holy Cuervos, did a good job as dj's, and aprox. at 1 a.m. the spanish bands Angelus Apatrida and Crisix were playing an exclusive set list, with all time metal and rock covers, from bands such as Slayer, Metallica, AcDc and even Kiss. Their both shows had a good sound, and the Angelus Apatrida's drummer was, for me, one of the highlights. Fun way to start the night!

After the live shows Erik Danielsson and the lovely Jenny Walroth started a dj's battle that lasted until 6 a.m. (oh, again, I'm too old for this shit...) but they hooked us playing all kinds of metal, for me those hours were like minutes, it was good song after good song, and they accepted petitions (thank you guys!) It was a blast. I would definitely hire them as residential dj's to stay here every weekend! These guys knew what they were doing :)

                 Erik and Jenny making our heads bang!

Here the dj's from metal and rock bars should know there's something called variety, of course we all have our favourites genres, but please...I was just as happy listening to Scorpions as listening to Tribulation. There's room for all.

After another memorable night. Today I'll just melt with the sofa. On monday there's a lot to do in the Coffin. Enjoy the 11.11.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012


Yesterday, I left the comfy Coffin to go to this amazing gig: KREATOR, MORBID ANGEL, NILE, and Fueled by Fire (well...as always, I arrived late, so I missed these last guys, sorry, It wasn't my fault, it was Vodka's fault!).
At the very last moment there was a problem with the venue they were playing so the event was moved to Sala Penelope (Sucks!). The sound was awful, for bands like Nile and Morbid Angel it was like a game named "Try to guess the song we're playing because the sound is a mass"...and I didn't enjoyed that game...despite of this they both gave great shows.

But, those who know me (not so many) know that I'm a Kreator junkie! And I didn't had my dose since summer of 2008. That's so much time! So I enjoyed this gig like it was the first time. The set list was awesome! It's hard for bands with long trajectories to choose a good set as they have a lot of hymns, but they just nailed it! A lot of songs from their last album "Phantom Antichrist" (great!) and the old stuff. Perfect!
Surrealistically, we arrived to the place, went straight to the bar, and there was Erik from Watain, we said hello to him and gave him some Coffin Shop stuff, but I still don't know what the hell he was doing here! Really cool surprise! Memorable night!

Today I'm a bit deaf, broken neck, tired (I'm too old for this shit...) but totally worth it. I want more! Oh! at least being deaf helped me today, because one funny fire alarm from the garage suddenly said in the middle of the fucking night: "Let me sing you the song of my people..." and it kept aaaaaall night and morning long...

                 Crappy pic from crappy camera (next time I'll try to enter with the Nikon...)


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lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Back to the Coffin...

After leaving the Coffin for a long weekend in my hometown, I came back to work, happier than ever, and I think this is the first time in my life I put the words “Work” and “Happy” in the same sentence...Unbelievable!

I have a lot of cool things coming to the Coffin... I can't show you anything for the moment, but I'm sure you'll enjoy! ;)

As I have so many monsters in the office I thought something with more “life” would be nice to decorate and cheer up the place a little, like plants, flowers and that kind of stuff so...I brought a cactus! (I'm such a romantic...) It's so nice and always ready for a high five... Lovely.

Here some Impressions:

                                  The forest

                                  Old mill

                                  How cool are the Coffin Shop badges!

                             Say Hi!